My 30 Challenge of Change begins November 5, 2012
I must start by saying that I have unhappy for a while - actually a long time - about how things have been gong in "my world". The past couple of days I have been thinking very hard on this - trying to decipher and "nail down" just where all the problems lie. Last night a friend posted one of those inspiration quotes -
I "LIKED" the quote and moved on but my mind kept wondering back to it. I knew what the quote meant in my life and could think of many times that I had "put up with something and ended up with that being the norm". This morning it hit me that this in fact was the summary of all of my "problems" that had been bugging me. Many, many of the facets of my life that bothered me - could be summed up with these very words and could be traced back to me. And if my life was going tyo change I was going to have to change ME!
Now before someone screams "No - don't do it" I must stress that I mean a change in the things I do, how I do them, and to some extent how I approach them. I took a long hard look at the things that bothered me, the things I saw as an albatross around my neck, and the things that I wanted out of life.
I found that I had:
1) A ton of projects not completed
2) A ton of projects not started
3) A garage full of boxes from one and two moves ago (and I am looking to move again!)
4) House chores that needed to be done
5) Work chores that needed to be done
6) A house full of stuff that I don't need or use
7) Talents not being used or enjoyed
8) Working, Working, Working - rushing home to stay there instead of going to do something fun but hoping someone will call for a fun night.
9) A life that was slipping by
Why am I allowing this to happen? Because I am letting the burden of all those undone and unrealized things smother me into doing nothing and "what I put up with, I was ending up with". I have a good friend that has started her own challenge, a challenge to get herself out of her comfort zone, and she is doing great! She is an inspiration to me and I hope I do as well as she has.
So today I am issuing myself a 30 Day Challenge of Change. Everday, for the next 30 Days I am going to:
1) Finish something
2) Start something
3) Unpack a box
4) Do a house chore
5) Do a work chore
6) Get RID of something (meaning give it away or sell it)
7) Throw something away
8) Clean something (this includes cleaning out drawers and cabinets)
9) Exercise a talent
10) Exercise me
11) Take 15 minutes for ME
12) One night a week I am going to get out of this house and go do something fun, rather than set here night after night waiting on something fun to happen.
Now my first rule is to do 1-12 everyday.............BUT my second rule is that I know I may falter (Thanksgiving is in this mix of 30 days) so I will just have to do 2X my list the day before!
I have made a chart, it is now posted on the fridge with a pen ready to start checking things off tomorrow! Look out, 30 days is a LONG time, but we will see how things turn out then.