Saturday, September 29, 2012

Avocado Chicken Tower

I hate doing two recipes in a row, but dang the past couple of weeks have been WILD to say the least...........add that to the fact that my cousin Kasey just screamed at me for this recipe and it took me forever to track it down.......I decided to SHARE it with ya'll.

Now I lay NO claim what so ever to this being an original of mine, in fact it is the detective work/trial and error of a friend, Prairie McChristian Burgess!  Her Blog is Prairie-Fire and it is a great Blog!  Prairie and I met in graduate school, she was a young whipper snapper fresh off her Bachelors and I was an ole fart knocking the rust off the gears in my brain.

She and her husband loved this particular dish at Saltgrass Steakhouse and she set out to replicate it.  I have never tried it at Saltgrass but I LOVE the recipe she came up with and I take every opportunity to make it!

Avocado Chicken Tower 

by Prairie McChristian Burgess

To make: Boil chicken 1-2 chicken breasts (depending on size) with 1 med onion, 2 peeled carrots, 2 large garlic cloves (cracked), 1/2 cup chicken broth, water to cover the chicken, 1 tablespoon cumin, salt & pepper. Once chicken is cooked through, set aside to cool. After cooled, shred the chicken and pack shredded chicken into the bottom of the container.

Pico: 1.5 cup diced, seeded tomatoes, 1/4 cup diced red onion, 1 tablespoon diced, seeded jalapeño, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, juice from 2 limes, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Mix ingredients together in a bowl to mesh flavours. Pack into the tower, putting as little juice in as possible.

Finally, chop 1-2 avocados (depending on size). I like big chunks. Sprinkle with a bit of lemon juice and pack into the tower to finish it off. Once everything is in the container, put the lid on and place it avocado side down in the fridge. I make  these the night before serving. To get a good tower to stand you need a fair amount of time in the "mold".  However, if you want to push it, lol, and if it is just for the will be fine, you are going to "bust" the tower pretty quick anyway!

NOTE:  Since I HATE cleaning the fridge, I put the upside down towers in a pan, I never had one leak BUT I would rather be safe than sorry!

ALSO - I doubled the recipe this time, the recipe above does ONE tower which is plenty for 2-3 people eating it as a meal.

For the "mold" I buy the tall containers, these are Food Club and I use them over and over again.  But the beauty of these are that if I take this treat somewhere and I don't want to be bothered with bringing it home, it is no big deal!

To serve: Undo the lid, place the serving plate on the tower and flip it. It should come out of the container in a standing position that you can then knock over after you have wow-ed your company. Serve with chips or crackers. 

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