Monday, August 27, 2012

Retail Therapy..........Actually Retail People NEED Therapy!

Yesterday I worked at JC Penney, it was Sunday and the last day before our area schools started so we had a BIG crowd - big enough that we did 30% more in business than we were expecting.

I want to begin by saying that I had some GREAT customers...........and finish with saying I came closer yesterday to NEEDING the services of Bail Bonds by Judy, than I have come in a LONG time!

**smacking head on keyboard** Once the day started they just KEPT coming in!  Kids screaming, crying, and playing chase throughout the store..........Parents totally ignoring what their kids were doing, and customers who seemed determined to figure out what my "last straw" was!
 ****BELIEVE ME there were SEVERAL times I just wanted to SCREAM TOO!!!!!!

If they "touched it" they threw it down, if they went near it they knocked it over..............we were in a constant battle to TRY and keep at least even with the mess.

I was particularly excited when the Mom and two teenage daughters came to check out and the teenager SAT/LEANED on the front of my counter with her BACK to me while I was checking them out, there was some conversation throughout the transaction and I am pretty sure RUDE is something they strive for........enough said about that one.

We made it to 6pm and closing time.............and they would NOT leave!   People were still going INTO the dressing rooms, they were still shopping............FINALLY we got them all out at 6:30............and at 7:45 we were able to leave (btw, I and most of the staff were scheduled to be off at 6:45 but between the mess that was left AND the customers who would not leave..........we didn't make it in time!)

Well I did make it without having to call Bail Bonds by Judy and Ollie (my dog) listened to ALL my troubles and the sun is shining today...............mmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe I should reconsider that Job Opening at Cheetah's.................No, not that desperate yet! LOL, Ya'll have a good day!

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