Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pinterest and Shaving May Kill Me!

Why I think Pinterest may be the death of me!

Yep, it may just kill me for sure! Yes I am hooked! I have lots of boards with multiple pins on each board, probably enough that if I live to be 80 I will never try them all! But I have been trying very hard to try at least ONE thing a day!

I must note that yesterday I tried three recipes (it was my complete meal) and each recipe turned out good...........I did make notes on two of them and the next time I will be making a couple of changes that I think will make those two great! A few weeks ago I went on a cleaning binge and about wore myself out!

Tonight I tried the “Super Easy, Most Awesome Ever” skin scrub for your legs. The ingrediants were simple: ¼ cup sugar, ½ cup olive oil, and 3 TBSP lemon or lime juice..........mix it together and use. The recipe suggested these steps: Shave legs, put on skin scrub and scrub, shave again, rinse, more skin scrub and scrubbing, then final rinse. And a promise that your legs will be smooth, smooth, smooth!

Well they didn't lie...........but for me they left out just a fewwwwwwwww tiny details and suggestions............

  1. I would recommend taking a bottle of Dawn to the tub with you cause the water is going into a TUB of GREASE.
  2. You are probably going to be cleaning the tub afterwards..........I am old and the last thing I want to do is step into the shower in the morning, slip, and fall!
  3. Again refer to number 1..........regular tub cleaner is NOT going to get all that olive oil out of the tub!
  4. Have the towel handy for when you are done but be prepared for it to go STRAIGHT to the washer...........again I reference the TUB of GREASE!
  5. Work really HARD on getting the bottom of your feet GREASE-FREE, especially if you are like me and your bathroom is TILE! Reference to number 2........I don't want to slip and fall ANYWHERE! I am old, I don't bounce as well as I used to and things have a tendency to crack and pop when I fall!
  6. Well now my legs are shaved, silky/greasy smooth, my tub is clean, my floor is clean..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and I have discovered something dog LOVES olive oil..........he won't stop licking my legs!

With this discovery I think I have a new course of action............NEXT time I need to shave my legs and scrub all the “dead skin” off.................I think I will just smear my legs with olive oil and let Ollie LICK the hair and dead skin off! It will save me having to mix anything, clean the tub, or clean the floor!


  1. OMG.... I.... CAN'T...... BREATHE.....

    Now I'm going to picture you nekked, cleaning the tub while Ollie licks your legs... OMG..

  2. lol, I was NOT nekked! I sat on the side of the tub cause I was already a little worried about the oil/grease! So glad I made that call right!

  3. LMAO! This was AWESOME. If I had tried it, it would have been the cats licking my legs. :) I am really enjoying your blog, keep 'em coming!

  4. Thanks HaliAnne! So glad you enjoyed my suffering, lol! And I can totally see where cats might like the olive oil too.
