Monday, October 14, 2013

Can I Start This Day Over?

Go Back To Bed? Or Not

I may just flip a coin, I cannot decide whether to go back to bed and start the day over or just ride out the rest of the day and hope things get a little less chaotic!

Today was a day that I have been waiting on for several weeks...........time to get my car fixed! YAY!

Things started off great, I headed to Amarillo in plenty of time to make my appointment, in fact I arrived 10 minutes early! And then things just got squirrelly from there

First bobble in the day:

The manager that I had been dealing with was not there and I talked to the owner, whose first question was “How long did he say this would take?” I said 2-3 days and he smiled and said “oh it will probably take longer than that.......fact is 3 days would be pushing it” Oh Great! I replied that not only was that what his manager had said but also what the insurance company had estimated...........he replied “Oh the insurance company always low balls things, this will probably take longer and cost more”. Oh Great!

The car rental people arrived on time, YAY! They picked me up and we went back to the rental office.

Second bobble in the day:

During the “check out” process they discovered that my drivers license had expired! Oh great and I am two miles or more from the DL office. They were kind enough to take me there and told me to call as soon as I was done and they would pick me back up! YAY!

Third bobble in the day:

At the DL office I am in and out in less then 15 minutes! It was a miracle! I have been there before and it is usually an hour or more! I called the rental place and they tell me they will tell my agent and she will be right there to pick me up....................45 minutes later, I call again – she answers the phone and says “are you done?” I said yes, and I was done when I called 45 minutes ago...........oops she didn't get the message. Five minutes later she is there to get me, YAY! Especially since by this time I am cold and I need a bathroom!

Fourth bobble in the day:

We get back to the rental place and while finishing up the processing I find out since I have liablity only insurance I need to purchase full coverage from them at $19.99 a day (don't forget the body shop just informed me that it is going to take LONGER than 3 days to fix my car!), Now since this accident was not my fault and the other drivers insurance is paying for repairs and the rental...........we call them to see if they will cover the insurance................oops! They forgot to read me the part of the script that says they will NOT pay for any additional insurance! And since my car is already at the body shop and I am TECHNICALLY stranded at the rental car place and 15 miles from my house...............yep I get to PAY for the insurance!

While I can't really start the day OVER............I so think I will take a nap!

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