Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Need to Aim

Shooters and archers aim at targets, that's the point right? They want to hit what they are aiming at! Golfers keep their eye on the ball but they look at the flag on the green before they look down at the ball because the flag(at least the hole under the flag) is what they are aiming at.

Heck even dogs aim when they pee............I know, you thought they were marking their territory but in truth they actually just need that blade of grass for a target! Seriously, when it comes to peeing we ALL aim, male and female both..............although I think guys sometimes aim to miss just to drive us crazy...........and I still totally resent the fact that they can write their name in the snow.

We ALL have the need to AIM at something..............every day we have to aim, some times are target are big goals like a promotion at work..........other times they are small targets such as aiming for the refridgerator to get a drink of water (I must confess that many times I get in the kitchen and forget what my target to work on focusing on what I am aiming at)

Aim=Goal – Target=Finish

We all set goals and we aim for them...........................our target is where we want to finish. This need to AIM at something is not even a self imposed is built into our DNA – we have to reach (aim) for something every day of our lives. Moses may have wandered the desert for 40 years but he STILL was aiming for the promised land. Columbas may have aimed for China and missed by hitting the America's but he STILL was aiming for a specific target.

(yes I am going to resist mentioning the fact that they should have stopped and asked for directions but I will not bow to stereotyping)

I personally need to set a LOT of small goals and a big goal. I need to plan my steps and each goal I reach is a point of “reward” for me and brings me closer to my big goal.

The hockey legend, Wayne Gretsky said "You miss 100% of the goals that you don't try for".

Many times our “finish line” is also our “starting line” for the next adventure. I am aiming for my next if I can just remember what I wanted from the kitchen..............

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